This Caught Our Eye: 3 Steps to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

We think our new website design is grand, but good looks will only take you so far. What good is an attractive and useful website if no one ever sees it?  Where your website lands on a search results page could mean the difference between having a thriving business and one that is struggling to survive.

Every search engine has its own algorithm to determine the order of search results and there are hundreds of tweaks you can perform on your design, content, code, etc to improve your ranking.  But this article from Web Marketing Today clearly identifies three relatively simple and meaningful steps you can take to ensure you are giving your website the best chance to be found.

Number one?  Relevant content and plenty of it.  Two: find and fix those broken links. And three:  write well-researched and thoughtful meta descriptions and title tags – the behind the scenes classifications that help search engines understand what’s on your page  (we’re struggling with that one!).

Read this article and then set aside some time to get started with your website.

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