Top Tips & How-To’s for Your Small Business
Sticks and Stones: How to Handle Negative Customer Reviews
Positive online feedback about your services or products can give a nice boost to your business, not to mention your spirits, but what about comments and reviews that are tepid or downright dismal? You may not be able to change…
Want to be Found on Google? You Better be Mobile-Friendly!
Don’t panic (well, maybe a little…). If you don’t know about the game-changing revision that Google is making to its search results algorithm as of Tuesday, April 21, 2015 (yes, THIS Tuesday), read on and be prepared to take action!…
This Caught Our Eye: 3 Steps to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking
We think our new website design is grand, but good looks will only take you so far. What good is an attractive and useful website if no one ever sees it? Where your website lands on a search results page…
Making the Most of Your Trade Show Presence
You probably know that participating in a trade show can be a business development bonanza or bust. Whether you’re exhibiting on a 6-foot table at a half-day local networking event or in a fancy booth at a multi-day expo and…
Is It Time to Offer an Internship?
Student internships can help small businesses thrive in so many ways that you might be missing out by not offering one at yours. Regardless of your size, your years in operation, or what you do, prospective interns are looking for…
This Caught Our Eye: Five Rookie Website Mistakes You Can Fix Today
We don’t consider ourselves website rookies, but since we’re about to launch a redesign of our website, we were particularly interested in this article from . And boy, was it an eye-opener! Three of the five mistakes are related to social media…
Are You Ready For Small Business Saturday?
The busiest shopping period of the year is just around the corner. Do you know what you’re doing for Small Business Saturday® (SBS) – November 29? The big retailers may have their Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but the “shop…
Why You Should Pay Attention to Apple Pay
With next month’s launch of Apple Pay, Apple’s new mobile-payment system, industry analysts predict we’re at a turning point when it comes to how customers pay for purchases. Technology that enables customers to make purchases with a swipe of their…
This Caught Our Eye: Running a Small Business from a Smart Phone
No surprise here: according to, a customer-support application developer, 85% of American small business owners are running their business from their smartphones. For some, that just means checking email and synching calendars, but for the more tech savvy entrepreneurs,…
You’re Never Too Small for a Handbook
Your business isn’t legally required to provide an employee handbook, but regardless of your size, it’s still a good idea to furnish something in writing – even just one sheet – that explains basic terms of employment. Here’s why: It’s…